Pharmacie Anglo American

Votre pharmacie à Nice

Découvrez la pharmacie Pharmacie Anglo American à Nice, avec les informations pratiques telles que les horaires, l'adresse, le numéro de téléphone et le site web, répertoriées ci-contre. Pour passer commande, n'hésitez pas à les contacter en composant le numéro indiqué. Explorez également les autres pharmacies à Nice ainsi que celles existantes dans un rayon de 25 km autour de Pharmacie Anglo American.

Coordonnées de Pharmacie Anglo American

2 Rue de France
06000 - Nice

Horaires de Pharmacie Anglo American


Avis des clients

Des clients ont laissé des avis

Photo du client
Hyun-Woo Kim
Mercredi 4 octobre 2023
The rudest employee I've ever encountered in France!! When I asked her a question in English, she said "what?" with a rotten face, which made me feel really dirty. Ugh...
Photo du client
James Wilkinson
Lundi 18 septembre 2023
About the only pharmacy within an hour's drive that is open on a Sunday which is most useful if you are in a pinch. English speaking staff should you need that who were knowledgeable and helpful in recommending products required to help the ailment presented.
Photo du client
Alle Knapp
Mercredi 3 mai 2023
Emergency prescription with 5 items on a Sunday, great spoken English, items were dispensed swiftly, great service.
Photo du client
Jessica Daggett
Dimanche 30 avril 2023
Really poor selection of feminine products. Forced to pay 5 euros for 5 tampons
Photo du client
Andrew Hepworth
Lundi 7 mars 2022
Super helpful, friendly and patient. We got our vaccination pass in minutes. Mr. Thierry Pharmacist was professional and again very helpful. Most of the staff speak English. It is a small busy shop but seem to carry everything!

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