Pharmacie Mercier Aprium

Votre pharmacie à Nice

Découvrez la pharmacie Pharmacie Mercier Aprium à Nice, avec les informations pratiques telles que les horaires, l'adresse, le numéro de téléphone et le site web, répertoriées ci-contre. Pour passer commande, n'hésitez pas à les contacter en composant le numéro indiqué. Explorez également les autres pharmacies à Nice ainsi que celles existantes dans un rayon de 25 km autour de Pharmacie Mercier Aprium.

Coordonnées de Pharmacie Mercier Aprium

16 Av. Jean Médecin
06000 - Nice

Horaires de Pharmacie Mercier Aprium


Avis des clients

Des clients ont laissé des avis

Photo du client
Giselle Sadeghi
Lundi 18 septembre 2023
I had a very pleasant experience in this pharmacy today. 2 floors with many selections. One of the staff helped me out and was super nice and friendly ( I didn’t ask for her name, she was a tall lady with blonde hair). I bought everything I needed. Merci Beaucoup!
Photo du client
Mary Roselle
Dimanche 20 août 2023
This is a great pharmacy! It has a large selection of products and the sales clerks are fairly helpful. They will provide you with a VAT form if you spend over 100€ so bring your passport if you plan to spend over that amount.
Photo du client
Dian Adriani Jusuf
Mercredi 16 août 2023
I went there during my holiday in Nice, and the staff were so nice and welcoming. They helped me find what I was looking for, and they speak very well english. Thank you for the kind service!
Photo du client
2011-20 e
Lundi 5 juin 2023
By Sep 1943, German army controlled Nice. Staff of this Pharmacy risked their life, hid and saved many Jewish childrens.
Photo du client
Lily Drew
Dimanche 30 octobre 2022
I went to this pharmacy to pick up vaccines for my 2 month old child. Upon going to the doctor’s office, the doctor told me that 2 out of the 3 vaccines I was given were not correct. We checked the ordinance and he had written the vaccinations needed correctly. So I went back to the pharmacy to tell them that 2 of the vaccines were wrong. I am an understanding person and can accept when someone makes a mistake, but they denied it completely. They said that they did nothing wrong and that there was nothing that they could do. In their system it said that they had given me the correct vaccines, but clearly I was *handed the wrong boxes* by one of the pharmacists…neither I nor the doctor have an incentive to lie about vaccines for a 2 month old child. So now I am stuck paying over 100 euros for an error that was not mine since they will not take them back due to the fact that they have to be refrigerated. I will not be returning to this pharmacy. Absolutely unprofessional and unacceptable not to simply own up to a mistake…we all make them.

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